Photographic Images Available By the Author
Yoga Links

These photographs may inspire you to develop a deeper connection with your higher self and the natural world. I am offering digital prints of the images displayed on this website between 4x6 inches to 5x7 to 8x10 inches (and up, upon request). See right side panel.

Black and white images are only available as darkroom prints by special arrangement. Please e-mail.

"I call forth that light to

penetrate my soul

and to activate my soul memory of freedom

and the original blueprint of my soul's destiny."

-El Morya on St. Germain's sacred violet flame of transmutation

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Healing Ability: Psychic Surgery

Due to Archangel Metatron and the Merkaba activation, can serve all creatures on earth with energetic diagnostics and psychic surgery on the energy body. Fee: Sliding scale. Best way to reach: Blessings.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On Treading the Tiger's Tail: The Lake in Number Ten Hexagram

In divination, Hexagram Ten shows:

"not only reflecting and absorbing what’s above, taking it into inner circulation, but also somehow calling it, inviting it. This, just like treading behind tigers, calls for immense care – the ‘ritual conduct’ meaning of Hexagram 10. There are so many ways to go wrong – most of them having to do with confusing my own preconceived ideas with what the oracle inspires.I think this is why the junzi when Treading ‘differentiates above and below.’ The lake needs to reflect all the depth of heaven, not to confuse the two, but to create an inner sense of another dimension. There’s a couplet in a poem of Goethe’s describing a lake at dusk, how it rests ‘reflecting back black-deepened darknesses’:
‘Schwartzvertiefte Finsternisse
Wiederspiegelnd ruht der See.’ "

from Clarity I Ching, original link: 

Who is the Tiger here? I asked spirit, and s/he said, "The Tiger is you. But it she is also in the people you are asking favor from. What have they to gain, or receive, from you? Perhaps they perceive something negative (that you are stepping on their tail)." I find from my own experience, when other people perceive Tiger in you (and in my case, although I am a gentle sort, still have Tiger's lash-out temper at times), they may construct a defensive sort of tiger based on their projections of competing with them. Although I feel it is really a shame because I feel I am coming from a sincere place of wanting to give my energy, that is my problem! 

Plenty Reflecting

Going more than a dozen times around this same wheel with the same result, I find Tigers around me reflecting/projecting my deep insecurities, and that maybe I should be not asking for anything at all, or, come purely from the heart of giving, and asking for nothing in return--at all. It usually means giving money. But I am sure it's even more than that. I just don't know what, yet!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Earth is Vibrantly Alive

“The earth isn’t insensible, as we’ve been led to believe. All of our unhappiness in life stems from our trying to live up to the expectation of people and our having forgotten what ancient humans knew: that we are first and foremost children of the earth, and that she loves us from the bottom of her heart.”  From Bob Makransky’s Magical Sampler, page 363. Check out The Magical Almanac

Friday, June 15, 2012

Maroon Roses, Shimmering Nantuckets

The kind found wild on beaches
And what would fight off leeches

Flower essence made from above good to fight off parasitic personalities, when you have no choice but to live/deal/work with them. And do it with a smile!

Corresponding Chakras:
Root Chakra--ability to detach from survival thoughts; keeps you out of the codependency "tail" spin. Good for dealing with "peephole" people. Owl medicine.
Solar Plexus--keeps cords from attaching, keeps you from "giving in." Think: Masada but without the tragic consequences. Do not over-pick!
Corresponding Deity: Saint Michael, protects entire aura with florescent blue glow. Pray first.

Petals: Staying grounded during shamanic journeying.
Plants it works well with: As flower essence used in conjunction with teasel root. Full moon or after. Available for sale in two to six weeks. Blessed Be!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Service for Animals

A farm where a favorite horse lives, wine country, California.
The horse on this farm saved a disabled woman's life.
In delicate situations, I offer post-traumatic energy work to pets, farm animals, and the wild, for donation. I also offer energy work when surgery is the last option, when post-op recovery is necessary.

Please do know that animals are extremely sensitive to this kind of work, and often sacrifice their lives for us when we are unhappy. It is the nature of their generosity.

As I have witnessed, an animal will respond immediately to substances placed outside the body and to thought forms of any kind. So please do be careful if trying this yourself. Always ask, "Is it for the highest good?", "Do I have permission?", "What do I have permission to do, exactly?".

Remote work is possible. Thanks for your compassion for those who cannot speak.

In search of Teasel

Although it (the anti-lyme herb) is considered invasive, I can't find it anywhere in the Warwick area. So I have been in contact with Tweefontaine herb farm  in New Paltz. As spirit had told me, upon confirmation it doesn't kill the lyme, but coaxes it out of hiding so you can go after it. Will do a complete meditation on the herb (and flower essence) and tell you more about it later. Up on the list for channeling: grapefruit seed, capsiacin and menthol (external); heavy metals and how they dupe lyme into targetting the joints; how mercury fakes out lyme disease through injections (such as the one I had last fall), and how energetic cords and discarnate entities contribute to lyme.