Usually you can tell from looking at someone's face, or their posture, if they are following at least part of life's calling.
Obviously, most people are not. If they were, the earth would not be in a downward spiral of destruction and desertification.
The denuding of the landscape comes from unsustainable choices. Choices made from following the divine blueprint are life-sustaining, enriching, polishing, uplifting. Simply Divine.
I could go into economic, political and environmental influences (such as Monsanto, GMO, capitalization of water resources, etc.) but I won't. The choice can be personal.
Make a life-sustaining choice.
"The situation is terminal, so catch a cab." ?
I offer yoga instruction, aura readings, and clear the energy of the body. Interested in advocating for all spirits: animal, plant, forest, ocean and human. I bring clarity to those who have lost loved ones, and assist the spirits of those who have left the physical realm. This light also communicates itself through my photography--both local and global. My photographs express spiritually symbolic lessons and poetic metaphors and are for sale.
Photographic Images Available By the Author
Yoga Links
These photographs may inspire you to develop a deeper connection with your higher self and the natural world. I am offering digital prints of the images displayed on this website between 4x6 inches to 5x7 to 8x10 inches (and up, upon request). See right side panel.
Black and white images are only available as darkroom prints by special arrangement. Please e-mail.
"I call forth that light to
penetrate my soul
and to activate my soul memory of freedom
and the original blueprint of my soul's destiny."
-El Morya on St. Germain's sacred violet flame of transmutation
Yoga Links
These photographs may inspire you to develop a deeper connection with your higher self and the natural world. I am offering digital prints of the images displayed on this website between 4x6 inches to 5x7 to 8x10 inches (and up, upon request). See right side panel.
Black and white images are only available as darkroom prints by special arrangement. Please e-mail.
"I call forth that light to
penetrate my soul
and to activate my soul memory of freedom
and the original blueprint of my soul's destiny."
-El Morya on St. Germain's sacred violet flame of transmutation
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